Annie jr prop images radio show script

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As a member of TA’ s Creative Committee he values being part of the decision-team selecting shows for the company. Most recently he became part of the leadership of the Classics Company for seniors over 55 years of age.Īl enjoys his work as the emcee of Theatre Ancaster’s Chorus. Later he reimagined Theatre Ancaster’s annual Christmas benefit and started the Christmas Radio show tradition. Al was also part of the initiation of ArtSmart, a program with the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board that provided a coop experience for students in theatre.

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In 1997 when Al retired, he devoted his time to incorporating Theatre Ancaster and became its first President.īesides co-directing, producing, and working on many shows throughout the years, Al has been instrumental in initiating new projects for Theatre Ancaster. In 1996, after more than a decade of mounting musical theatre at secondary school and for the Ancaster Arts Council, Al Croxall, Gord Conroy and Ralf Hakenberg sat on Al’s back deck one day and came up with the idea of establishing a new community theatre.

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